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Please click the question to reveal the response.
Do I need an order?Almost always yes; from your provider prior to the exam.
Can I self refer?Self referral is very limited as almost all exams require a provider order.
How long is my order good for?Most orders are good for 6 months.
What number can I fax the order too?623.815.7773
Can I use my order from an alternate imaging company?Yes, patients often prefer Stand-Up MRI for better technology and convenience.
How do I get my report?It is best to contact your medical provider. If you have any problems, please contact us.
How long does it take for the referring physician to get my report?Typically within 24 to 48 hours. STAT reports are available when appropriate.
How much does a CD with my images cost?Patients are entitled to 1 CD of medical images at no cost. Additional CDs can be requested for a fee.
Can a family member/friend pick up my records?Yes, as long as they are listed on your Authorization to Release PHI form and can show a valid photo ID.
Why can't I view the images on the disc that was given me?You should be able to view, but IT support is available if there is difficulty loading the exam.
Will the radiologist speak to me about my results?No, please consult your provider if you have any questions.
If I want to pick up my records do I have to go back to the location I was seen?You can go to any of our locations to pick up records.
What kind of privacy can I expect for my Personal Health Information [PHI]?You can read our NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES here.
What does the machine look like?Please see our website services pages for sample pictures of equipment.
How long is the exam?Exam times can vary based on what is being scheduled. Please call to schedule your appointment for a more accurate estimate of exam length.
What is my check-in time?Check-in time for most exams is 15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Do your offices have wheelchairs?Yes, our two locations offer wheelchairs to patients who need them.
Can I bring my spouse, friend, or family to this appointment?In many cases, yes. Please contact our office for specific arrangement.
Do I need to bring a driver?None of our scans and services preclude driving. However consult your prescribing provider for other medications you may be taking.
Is there parking at your location?Yes, we have convenient parking.
Can you provide transportation?Please call our office regarding a special circumstance regarding transportation.
Are you open on holidays?Please call our office for holiday hours.
Do your offices close for lunch?No.
What age does a patient have to be accompanied by an adult?Patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. We will need a parental consent form to treat a minor.
What are the weight limits for our machines?Our weight limits vary by facility. Please call our office to inquire about specific facilities.
How much radiation will I be exposed to?MRI does not expose patients to radiation.
If I have piercings can I still have an MRI?Some piercings can be problematic. Please disclose any piercings you have when scheduling.
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